Off The Grid With Solar,Wind and 5G Bandwidth On Fair Isle


Surveying the renewable electricity system  on Fair Isle today, which combines three wind turbine generators, a ground-mounted solar photovoltaic system and battery storage. With Sarah and Skyelark. With wind and solar power and 5G bandwidth, we are in the middle of somewhere in the Sub Arctic Circle and the center of everything with 24 hour connectivity.

On Fair Isle today, Britain's most remote inhabited island. Check out our blog: SHARE FAIR ISLE for our day to day happenings- from discovering puffins to eating some of the freshest catches of the day--- lobster and mackerel.
In December 2020 Sarah and I spent three weeks on Fair Isle-. After celebrating Christmas and New Year in West Sussex, we were off to America: Sarah on Castaway Cay, Disney's remote private island to keep the attraction show ready, and staff happy and healthy with her skilled nursing. I went to South Florida, to continue my Instructional Design project with the US Navy, and was also working remotely (From home in Port Saint Lucie)! And now we are back here on glorious Fair Isle, Where Scotland meets Scandinavia and the North Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean...Collected these memories in our trip reports on youtube. Here is the playlist to date: CLICK HERE