Remembrance Of Hikes Past-Fiji Islands

Coming home to a place I've never been before. It's Fee-Gee (Fiji)
Cue John Denver's Sunshine On My Shoulders.

You can't get any further away before you start coming back.Imagine sailing across the blue waters of the South Pacific, passing by idylic islands, teeming with exotic fish and majestic coral reefs--Oh wait I don't have to use my imagination because what you see is what you get. Bula.
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On Fiji Islands-Suva-PineApple Express

Ah Suva!, from sea you  looks  so promising, despite the oil slick...but in town, it looks like paradise has  committed suicide. I thought cyclone season was over. 
This is like if that Biggie Smalls rapper met the Afghan Kush,and they had a baby.

Fiji-Dravuni- Another Day Another Island-Escape To Reality

Fiji has over 300 islands- I have seen about 25 so far this trip. I'm concerned that "the wow factor" no longer applies. Yet if I take an imaginary a ride down Southern California's Carmageddon- Interstate 405, breath in some smog  while stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I still want to escape to  MY reality--being in the South Pacific! I love the  Free Parking for all boats, ships and anything that floats.

Freedom can certainly be purchased in a  7 days vacation on one of these idyllic islands. I just happened to visit  one of them, and stayed the day. Priceless.

Fiji Islands-Savusavu-Cue The Sun

Natural, Lush and Beautiful,Where the hell's Fiji? Near Florida?

To the east of the International Date Line lies an exquisite garland of islands known as Fiji. Dignified smiling people bid you "bula," or welcome, to their unspoiled homeland and give you bottles of water called Fiji, bottled at the "source".

Glamping onboard the five-star cruiseship Crystal Serenity.Roll Video...

Ed Reif is the Wilt Chamberlin of the high seas, putting up ports of call numbers so high that mere tourist could never come close 

Country Roads take me home to Studio 54, New York City and The Long Island Railroad-NOT  This South Pacific run, the Tahitian Treasure  28 days voyage , went on a cocaine binge today, jacked a Benz and crashed into a pole. That’s bad, right?  The Fiji Islands are nothing more than the Paris Hilton of paradises, not the best looking but certainly the most photographed for the travel brochures