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The Academy award-winning short film of this year will probably be watched by a few thousand, while an obscure  YouTube clip  of mine shot on a Samsung S5 camera phone might be watched by twenty thousands. I haven't hit the nose bleed millions of viewers on my YOUTUBE channel but I have hit the million viewer mark on this Cruise Ship Travel BLOG. But as of Today Google+ will no longer be tracking the views publicly. They will only track subscribers.

It's been a while  since ABC TV Nightline and Good Morning America used some of my footage but what a thrill to see  one of my videos go nuclear in less than an hour. That was the first time I felt the impact of TV watching me instead of the other way around.My own Ed TV show.

Andy Warhols"Everyone will be famous  FOR 15 minutes" is now amended: Everyone WILL be famous IN 15 minutes...or less.

I can see the future and it works! Point and Shoot

My cellphone is my credential, my ABC Press Corp Pass, My thirty something years in-the- the trenches-experience. Anyone can be a  Professor Emeritus and guest speaker at Columbia' Graduate School Of Journalism next semester, and hosting an upcoming Anderson Cooper Live on CNN to discuss "Let's Make Sausage" your own idiosyncratic  tipping point moment of Citizen Journalism.

You see, you don't have to be a navaho code breaker to use a cell phone. Just post something to Youtube.  Ah, but you all knew that.