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Every time I visit this town, the little Mermaid is missing-getting repaired from vandalism or reconditioned from the elements. But today I got to see her, and she is, well, little. |
Travel can alter perceptions and may even rewire your brain. Novelty and unique one-of-a-kind experiences raise dopamine levels, the chemical in your head that gives you optimism, curiosity and creativity.

This gift of pure attention is harder to achieve when your brain is ON French Fries--the default American mode, when your "chi" or energy is Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones.
State It Then Create It
Before you can take your path you must live it in thought. YOUR own Thoughts.
Religion is other peoples experience, My thought are my own private religion- and make me travel and create archives of memories and expectation where I incinerate negativity and have a mind-ful-ness of pure attention, without advice, without judgments-When I'm traveling, I am what I am right there and like some Starfleet Commander- I endorse Captain Kirk's recommended policy of non-interference with alien civilizations.
Wired Verses Tired-Grey Matters
The Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road but Neurons That Wire Together Fire Together and the best way to predict the future is to INVENT it.
There is no absolute grid I live in where things occur independent of my own thinking about them. In the 70's The ME Generation was Old school selfishness--- I am the center of the world. That's tired. My New Wor(l)d Order says, I create the world...and more importantly my thoughts do too. Change your thoughts, change your world. That's Wired Thinking.
The hardest arithmetic I've had to master is the one which enables me to count my blessings. It requires a long apprenticeship (Think Gladwell's 10,000 Hours of practice rule or 10 years) Cruising around the world, provides a legitimate short cut for taking things with gratitude instead of for granted.
Despite the spectacular sceneries and itineraries. The universe is in our head,and not out there separate from us. In actuality, a world of our own making. We are co-creators of our world, and we can effect that world and the world of others, even at a distance.What the bleep? Read more HERE
As the brain changes the mind changes, in practical terms each time you repeat a particular thought or action, and "use your marbles", you strengthen the connection between a set of brain cells or neurons.
Consequently, neurons that wire apart fire apart, and different thoughts create different pathways-. How do I explain this habit: Use it or lose it.
There is no absolute grid I live in where things occur independent of my own thinking about them. In the 70's The ME Generation was Old school selfishness--- I am the center of the world. That's tired. My New Wor(l)d Order says, I create the world...and more importantly my thoughts do too. Change your thoughts, change your world. That's Wired Thinking.
The 3 P's-Practice.Practice. Practice.
The hardest arithmetic I've had to master is the one which enables me to count my blessings. It requires a long apprenticeship (Think Gladwell's 10,000 Hours of practice rule or 10 years) Cruising around the world, provides a legitimate short cut for taking things with gratitude instead of for granted.
Despite the spectacular sceneries and itineraries. The universe is in our head,and not out there separate from us. In actuality, a world of our own making. We are co-creators of our world, and we can effect that world and the world of others, even at a distance.What the bleep? Read more HERE
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The Persistence Of Norway |
As the brain changes the mind changes, in practical terms each time you repeat a particular thought or action, and "use your marbles", you strengthen the connection between a set of brain cells or neurons.
Consequently, neurons that wire apart fire apart, and different thoughts create different pathways-. How do I explain this habit: Use it or lose it.
The need to break free and sail away is ancient, enduring and incessant.
Voyages trigger a concept called psychological distance: Something about the experience of leaving your place creates a shock and awe, a pathway into a new perspective that floods the brain with ideas. For me, this shift in perspective starts as soon as I'm on a cruise ship . Ships are weirdly the most lucid part of my life. Every cruise I take somehow changes my life in some way.
Voyages trigger a concept called psychological distance: Something about the experience of leaving your place creates a shock and awe, a pathway into a new perspective that floods the brain with ideas. For me, this shift in perspective starts as soon as I'm on a cruise ship . Ships are weirdly the most lucid part of my life. Every cruise I take somehow changes my life in some way.
"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea."-Karen Blixen, Danish Author, (Out of Africa)
The actual cruise might be four days or a week, the anticipation of Norwegian Fjords cruise, for instance was months and the memory will probably last for years or forever. So, while I focus on the joy of the doing the cruise there is joy or anticipation and the joy of THE memory of it all the time.