Hatastrophe Abroad

There are noMad people
 in Saudi Arabia
You don't go to The Kingdom  as a tourist. In fact, there's no such thing as a tourist visa. If you're not making a pilgrimage to Mecca, and not Muslim, the only way to get into the country is with a work permit, or in my case, a Business Visa. Mixing between unrelated males and females is forbidden. Most social functions are single sex only and there is barely even eye contact made between men and women. Same Same Only different, right?

It's good to get out and do something else besides work, sleep eat, and complain about "Segregation Forever"(sexual apartheid)--- Mens-only Starbucks( The  Naked mermaid logo, however  is no longer banned!), Mens-Only Mall hours (single men are only allowed into shopping centers at lunch time on weekdays) is gone and Dammam Mall is huge.

Yesterday a bunch of guys and I went out to a British Aerospace  Compound Party, The  barbed wired- walled residential community, built for company employees.  but I didn't take any pictures because "Western Rules" rules for men and women expats INSIDE the compound might freak people on the OUTSIDE.

Afterwards we went to a fast food joint, and this kid let me try on his gutra, or Saudi-style scarf.  I love those colors. Red and white checks--- So cool.

No Complaints, no regrets, I still believe in chasing dreams and placing bets...