Fiji-Escape TO Reality

Coming home to a place I've never been before. It's Fee-Gee (Fiji) Hiow did I end up in a place like this? Favoritism.

John Denver visited this island today-Sunshine On My Shoulders.
You can't get any further away before you start coming back.Imagine sailing across the blue waters of the South Pacific, passing by idylic islands, teeming with exotic fish and majestic coral reefs--Oh wait I don't have to use my imagination because what you see is what you get. Bula.
                                                                                                                                    OMG I'm a Country Boy

The Law of Diminishing Returns  

You know, addiction isn't the problem - it's the solution-
 When all you care about is here, this is a good place to be

It is the theory that the more your experience something, the less effective it becomes. Think of the drug addict that needs more and more drugs, just to achieve the same high.

Beyond that point, more and more gains in any one particular area adds less and less to happiness.
So in a sense, you can have too much of a good thing. The more you experience of the good thing, your overall happiness will decline.
I am needing a larger and larger DOSES of paradise-Bora Bora, Moorea, now Fiji---to get the same  feeling I had when I simply visited Europe or even Canada. It's  STILL working!

EGOnomics 101
Fiji has over 300 islands- I have seen about 25 so far this trip. I'm concerned that "the wow factor" no longer applies. Yet if I take an imaginary a ride down Southern California's Carmageddon- Interstate 405, breath in some smog  while stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I still want to escape to  MY reality--being in the South Pacific! I love the  Free Parking for all boats, ships and anything that floats.