Cozumel- Any Fin Is Possible

The Aquatic Life

Sitting is the new Smoking of our generation. Yet, Meditation, the new Push Up.

The OCD tourists (Above) drowns in the same ocean that the ADDitude traveler (Below) swims with delight.
The hyper organized Intentional Traveler, complete with checklists, sunscreen and "travel clothes"verses Lite Traveler, on  a shoe string budget and the shirt  off/on his your back.

The sum of my  problems is the inability to sit quietly alone in a deck chair on a ship! It is easy to mistake motion for progress and nothing is so big and complicated that it cannot be run away from.

 I know what to do-swim with my friends the dolphins. Nothing Is The Hardest Thing To Do. No massive massive 110 day world cruise  emotional and sensory overload---just the repetitive itineraries of The Caribbean Blue

Life In Time

WYSIWYG-What you see is what you get- I do not create the Caribbean blue ocean, the white powder sandy beaches. Rather they are gifts to me. What I write about comes out of gratitude for being t/here. There are seven days of the week and someday is not one of them.

Traveling gives me the sense of inhabiting my own life. 

Yet, when I was an AmeriCAN’T, I didn’t even renew my passport, and never got inside of my own life. It’s as if my rich Uncle Sam has already written the script for me--- Thou shalt be comfortable---The payoff was that I got to buy and do nice things like trips to Disney World, Las Vegas and The Mall. This is walking the painted horizontal (stuff and things) line, slaves to credit cards and debt. It’s almost a rule that you can’t get enough of what you never wanted in the first place. The majority of my time in the USA, I have never been remotely anywhere without electric lights. I’ve rarely been quiet for a whole day.

In fact, all of my “problems” simply stemmed from the inability to sit alone quietly at the beach or on deck. Doing this at sea revives my sense of time and space. This is a different hyper-interactive experience.

Are you ready to get heroic? Because reading my blog may cause you to quit your "real"  job and start doing things that will make your friends and family think you’re crazy.

"We need the possibility of escape as surely as we need hope; without it the life of the cities would drive all men into crime or drugs or psychoanalysis." Edward Abbey