Flash- Around The World in 80 Clips On Ships

Karaoke Living Daring to Be Different in a Copycat World

Having no education can be an economic death sentence but a unique talent, grants you a global passport. Free to KNOW, GO and DO. Talent makes capital dance.I Sell my cleverness and buy bewilderment. The one is mere opinion, the other is intuition. I've found that luck is quite predictable. If I want more luck, I take more chances. Yet the paradox of choice  can sometimes create more problems than solutions. Choosing a life of excessive generosity and voluntary simplicity can be a refreshing option. 

The road to excess, has led to the palace of wisdom.The Japanese call it  wabi sabi the ability to love an imperfect situation perfectly and go with the flow. It's living a full life by intentionally designing it so that you don’t have to sacrifice anything important or waste your time, money or energy. It's the law of least effort, the strength of weak  ties and < = > (less is more) 5-2=7 getting rid of things that don't serve you can actually be a value add. You can't have everything-where would you put it? 

I haven't  been everywhere but it's on my list.  

At sea, that always-on, 24/7, hyper-connected consumer culture is gone, leading  to a spike in creativity and focused, elegant ideas that cut through the clutter of modern-day existence. It also makes you more generous, more creative, more content and more simple. I am not trying to be better than anyone else just better than I used to be. 

It starts by knowing more-the more I know the better I am--traveling accelerates that "knowing". Yet, knowledge isn't the power---applying the knowledge IS...of positive intent, expecting the best out of everyone, and eliminating opportunities for anger in your life. Instead, opening up the dialogue for re-creation and the exultation of the possible.

Growing old is not optional, growing up is. Since I have not "unlearned" how to begin, it still is exquisite to venture out, but I have to consent to doing this alone.The vision must be followed by the venture----it's not enough to stare at the ocean, you have to get in your boat and row.

You spell time L-O-V-E and Time is nature's way of  not having everything happen all at once. Love is our inheritance.  Fear is what we acquire from our schooling.  The journey of the spirit is the unlearning of fear  and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.

When my life flashes before me, I wanna make sure it is worth watching--- It might  look like the fast motion video BELOW:

Action Sustains Hope-
Get Busy Living
or get busy dying
Between pessimism and optimism is alcoholism- But I don't do drugs, I am drugs! Tune in, turn on, drop out. When I got old(er), I didn't really want to change myself, so I change(d) my environment, motion creates emotion and environment creates mood., eh? 

The world was full of magical things patiently waiting for my brain to grow sharper. I was at the point where I sold cars in Los Angeles (Los Angry Cars)-unfortunately they were my own! 

I had that feeling-I don't care what's on TV. I only care what else is on TV. Watching other peoples lives instead of living my own, this impatience with broadcast options was a symptom to leave and the god of restlessness made me eager to start journeying again and again. So I did. I hoped the Pacific was as big and blue as it was in my dreams-and it was.

7 Cruises I Had To Go On Before I Died

1. Santorini, Greece

Let The Orinoco Flow

2.Maldives, Islands

Consciousness Is Wireless

3. Bora Bora

Tahiti-Stopover In Paradise

4. The Fjords of Norway

Mother Nature and Father Time Are Effin Special

5. The Fjords of New Zealand

Milford Sound-Are We There Yet?

6.Full World Cruise

L.A.To London in 110 Days

7. The Oasis Of The Seas

 Go BIG or Go HOME

Game Changer- The Ship IS the destination.
 Remarkable. This  225,282-ton, 5,400-passenger colossus
 that cost Royal Caribbean $1.4 billion.
Too much cruise ship? Quantity is its own kind of quality.

 It only ends once-anything before that is just progress
8. Honorable Mention-The Hawaiian Islands
1994-My First Ship -
A Rust Bucket- SS Constitution(a glorified ferry) with a lot of heart
known  as "American Hawaii Cruises"

The Hawaiian Islands