Happy St. Pat's-Around the World in 80 Beers

 My Global 6 Pack Memorable Moments Drinking Beer At these fine Ports of Call.


 Dublin Ireland #1. Guinness Is Good For You.
An Irish Drinking Tradition.

#2  cOPENhagen- Denmark- To which I replied...: Calrsberg Weekend 
BUI-Biking Under The Influence

#3.Jamaican Me Crazy, Montego Bay -Red Stripe, plus it comes in a funny little bottle.” Yuh no dun yet?”. You're not done yet...have another.

#4 Midnight Cabo's Corona-Happy Go Local Vacation In A Bottle---Drink. Pee.Repeat.

#5 Elephant Beer- Bia Chang. Bangkok, Thailand
In dog beers I have only had one.

#6Cape Town, South Africa's  Castle Lager--One Beer, One Goal, One Nation, One Soul-I'm not getting drunk, Im getting awesome!