Los Angeles-I Need My Space

Space Travel Sure Is Fun

Just spent the weekend walking on the moon, Now @Top Gun School, where unlike Maverick, I am writing checks that my body can still cash.
Tranquility Base, The Ego Has Landed.

Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)

My Starbucks card still had $5 bucks loaded  on it. I am drinking coffee from a paper cup again @ SBUX Pacific Palisades. Neil Young's lyrics resonate,speaking directly over the sound system
"I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold, and I'm getting old'
I suppose growing old isn't optional, but growing up is. Spending a perfectly useless morning in a perfectly useless manner, I have learned to live. Seinfeld is a show about nothing; Ed TV is about the sweetness of doing nothing.

Your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash (James Tolkan in Top Gun)