Mid Life Chrysler Travel by proxy
Let’s pretend, for purely rhetorical purposes, that I—an American male journalist—got a 200K book advance to find God, write a travel book about a quest for sensuality and spiritual growth. I would call it Eat, Pray and Reif, also known as Drink, Play, F@#k, One Mans search for Everything in France, Macau and Thailand. Wouldn't it just scream out, blatantly male “mid-life crisis narrative”.

Then I take a red eye flight to Macau for three months of debauchery on the Hong Kong Express , Finally, over to Thailand, the land of smiles...before I get my Baht back to the United States of Unconsciousness.
You get the picture, right? It is the last 24 months of my life, documented here at this blog, Hotel @nyware!Meow
But if I were named Edna (which ironically emeans pleasure)instead of Ed, I could right EPL, Eat Pray, Love and got on the NYT bestseller, huh? because it seems honest and soulful when distilled through the sensibilities a woman.