Being born in America is like being kidnapped and sold into slavery. Being born again in Stockholm, is same same only different....taking hostages is so pre September 11th. I have known a great many troubles in my life, most of which never happened. I still have some gamble in me!some sympathy for the devil... Afterall, as Nietzsche says, be careful when casting out your devil 'lest you cast out the best thing about you...Nevertheless
Devil and the deep blue sea behind me, Vanish in the air, you will never find me. I will turn your face to alabaster, when you find your servant is your master-Sting, Syncronicity
About A Year ago in Stockholm
Forget about the Suicidal winters and the reputation for the safest cars on earth. SAAB and Volvo can take a back seat. Stockholm has bike paths everywhere. It's easy to get around the islands that make up the city.