Hitler, the uber mensch of evil, hated Lübeck because it refused to allow him to campaign there in 1932. The Law of Diminbishing Returns is kicking in--that last Castle isn't as good as the first ones .
But now, its Steeples--Steeple Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Dead Poet's Society
Bach and Handal played there (Love their werk). Thomas Mann, Nobel Laureate , was born here.(He later moved to the USA, got a literary agent and was made famous). Günter Grass, the Fashist gun in the West, lived in Lubeck.
Arriving in Travemünde
Travemünde, the port town to get to Lübeck.I just woke up thinking I was looking at castles.... Castle number 1,Castle number 2,Castle number 3Castle number 4 ....Castle number ???
Biking in Travemünde
Lübeck is Schön