Dover, UK

 Looking at these chalky cliffs which form part of the English coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France. The Disney Magic docked in the background.
Don't get to close Sarah!
It was the best of vibes. It was the worst of vibes. We waited for 2020 to have that perfect vision.  Nobody could predict what they'd be seeing and doing this year- washing our hands constantly,  wearing a mask and social distancing because of the global plague.

Summer sailing in the Norwegian Fjords, The Baltics or  through Alaska's wildlife super highway, Glacier Bay  are on pandemic event time- no one knows when it will end. Tis the  Caribbean sailing  season but all fleets have come to a grinding halt, until sometime in 2021. 

B.C. Before Covid- The Disney Magic was full of activities onboard and at the port of call, Cast Away Cay.