The Show Must Go ONline

 Location. Location. Isolation.

Try your close-to-home outdoor spaces

Mother Nature is not an amenity—it’s a necessity. There is certainly enough of green spaces, thanks to the generous amounts of rainfall we get. Father (Clock) Time has been usurped by Pandemic Event Time-we can't change the content and stroryline but we can 'gamify our relationship to it and step away and OUTSIDE our worries.  

To be uncertain about these times is uncomfortable, to be certain, ridiculous.

Embrace the uncertainty. Be intentional about the distress.Hang out with it.  Don't let the times hijack your brain. After all, you cannot argue with the present. That's the miracle- a shift in thinking. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. What we resist persists, and wasting cognitive energy on this pandemic is, well, a waste. Covid anxiety hooks you by picking a topic that is personal to us but now universal. That’s how it creates doubt and resistance in us

What is deeply personal is universal

In other words, we're going to move toward that which we fear with a sense of zeal.

Driving over Flying

Driving allows the possibility of better understanding the country — its geography, its culture — and historically it has helped us understand what it means to be an American.

I flew on Airplanes May-July. Instead of being in the terrified default state of pandemic ennui, gamifyed it and it brought excitement and desire- I'm getting on that plane, I'm seeking out that state that I'm been afraid of. Listening to my executive voice that says, "I can handle this. Let's go toward this." Luckily there were less than 20 people on these planes!

I took a cross country trip to Jackson Hole, WY in June-WY Not? I went to Las Vegas July-Stayed Positive Tested Negative... Went to London in August Now, when will be the next time I will feel comfortable with 20,000 other fans at a sports event or concert, I'll get back to you on that one.

Don't just do something, sit there. or in our case, take a walk and bike ride.

Biking along the strand today gains new momentum and significance as the best socially distanced recreational opportunity might be our own neighborhood. 

This is an aTypical English Summer with closures and The Show must go ONline. Nevertheless, we put our mobile phones down, get outside and benefit from the sunshine, and fresher air. We choose this.

"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” Eckhart Tolle

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