Fixed wing flight from Bagram to Kabul
In 2016, I noted:
From A to Z
What a year it has been: -Annapolis, MD to Livingstone Zambia...
We missed ONLY one letter Q, hence Qatar, a tiny, oil-rich country wedged between Saudi Arabia and Iran. |
Time to recite my ABC's again I am starting 2019 out with Afghanistan a little recap..
Kabul |
I slept through my first IDF(InDirect Fire)
but would have hid here to take cover |
The C 17 was a beast of a plane. Satdown sideways for 4 hours from Kuwait |
From SAG (Screen Actors Guild) to this. Still working in the theater.
Took me some time to locate my green bags |
El Paso Texas Ft Bliss CRC was fun. |
Onboarding in Florida |