Tallinn, Estonia

it's always nice to come back to Estonia. just found out after all these visits that in 2003 a little-known startup called Skyper invented the first peer to peer technology that I use almost everyday in the form of Vibr, What's Ap and FB messenger also owe their roots to Skype(r).

When was the last time you even thought about Estonia?  Guess what? It’s a place. People . I am sure the Vikings paid a visit along with the Swedes to clorinate the ge ne pool.
Today there are the castles and churches. Tallinn, for instance, is a very well preserved medieval city. It is our Baltic port of call today. 
Ernest Hemingway has written that in every port in the world, at least one Estonian can be found. There are plenty of them here! You cannot make soup out of beauty. Estonian Proverb