Cozumel-Eminence Waterfront

Royals'-Navigator and Freedom of the Seas Passengers debarking

I am an AmeriCAN not an AmeriCAN’T

And you are MEXICANS

It s nice to know that I can  STILL pay for things in a currency that no longer exists-the US Dollar. Not as pretty as Cabo San Lucas  on the Pacific Ocean in the sea of Cortez, still Cozumel has a Carib-Los Angeles vibe-In fact it’s like going through one of the barrios off the Harbor Freeway 110 or the 105, without the traffic and Los Angry Cars. I would have liked to work in this beautiful tourist trap-Forgetaboutit -expats. Locals are able  to fill tourism  jobs in the region. There is a leveled playing field here in Cozumel.

An endangered species: The expat
They speak Money  here as the first language and money is not the key to happiness, but the happy go locals  figure  if  they  have enough money, they  can have a key made. English is their second language They get it that It’s no longer  a pain in the English to speak da language --There is No Egg in Eggplant, No Ham in Hamburger, No Pine or Apple in Pineapple. You park your car in a driveway and drive your car on a parkway, Double Negatives Are A No-No. Cool.

Paying for things in a currency that no longer exist$-the US Dollar, I ask myself, "am I better off than I was 4 Trillion dollars ago? " In Mexico, the answer is, Yes!