Venice-Gondola Dreams And Acqua Alta (High Water)

I am older now, (Birthday 2/13)and so is Venice. Yet growing old isn't optional, growing up is-and I feel YOUNG! enthusiastic and vibrant-like a student-a gondola is as far out of reach as a five-star hotel with this attitude.50 Euros for 20  Minutes- No thank you. I'll just WALK ON WATER!

Getting lost in Venice is the only place worth going to

Knowing that you have a finite life creates an urgency to the minutes that you live. Had to go to Venice(once) in the Winter!

My sole currency from their language “espresso”  was already spent. I used it twice.

Many moons ago the dollar was 870 lire and I was twenty-two, I would have only "Done Venice" in the Summer. In fact, there is no other time to visit Venice, then Winter, without the one day instant tourists, aka, the 80%ers who inhabit the lagoon for less than a day via a cruise ship excursion. 

The Venetians on the other hand, have such lovely language for each of  the lanes and streets: fondamenta (along a canal), sotoportico (a covered passage), corte (courtyard), riva (a wide fondamenta along the lagoon), calle (street), rio (canal) and campo (square).

Last year this time, I was in VENICE BEACH