When you revisit the past, make sure you come back in time |
“You should write a book” I rather shoot
a movie, with Sequels. A Show rather than Tell-All.
How can I
compose a story big enough, deep enough and broad enough to encompass the
reality of my life? When I’m at sea, immersed in action, I am the protagonist,
can't create experiences like this, you undergo them.
The power
of narrative comes forth when I am engaged
in the telling.(or selling) of these accounts.
There are 3 versions, First, the edited “inside
version”, Secondly, The story I tell the
world, and Thirdly, my created self- or RL Real Life (story). Depending on my
audience, my motive, or my mood at any given time. . . The countless possible
versions of (my story) can vary widely.
authors your story authorizes your actions.”
Enter Sand Man (Dubai) |
When we tell our own story—and write our own autobiography, we truly begin to live more consciously and unfold our own myth---with us as producer and director, going out to sea , in an infinity of hope, it's life's coming attraction, where we have final cut. There is, indeed, the uniqueness of inhabiting our own life when we follow our bliss and tell our own story. I think that the majority of people never get inside their own lives. Read More Here
That is the difference between living mythically (The American Dream) and living autobiographically (The YOUniverse) where your wishbone becomes your backbone.
"That is what we are supposed to do when we are at our best – make it all up – but make it up so truly that later it will happen" Ernest Hemingway
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Write? Right!
A One-Man-National Geographic on that everywhere trip.
The earth
school kills all of its students. Life is like rowing out to sea in a boat that
has a hole in the bottom. Have as much joy and fun and fulfillment- because success without
fulfillment is failure. This is known as Present-Moment Hedonism; conservative risk-averse types call it PoiZen. Traveling, is like shaving my head-if I'm not doing it everyday I start to feel like a bum. I use traveling as a medicine to feel differently. Traveling is a drug that gives me a fix when I'm down and turns feeling normal into a buzz
Unlike retail therapy that ends up being buyer's remorse, the cure IS the poison, and the fool, who persists in his folly, becomes wise. The pressure of modern life (or as it's also known, being lucky enough to be born in the USA) seems tiny compared to some of the beauty in the world. Seeing it all at the slower speed of nautical miles, magnifies it 10x, to the nth degree.
Doing the right thing at the wrong time equals pain- Someday, the busiest day of the
week, is the wrong time. It is never about the claim to finite resources..."not enough time, money, opportunity". It's about resourcefulness.
If travel is your dream, then live your dream now, not your back up plan. I would
recommend that everyone who wanted to travel, do it immediately. Sooner rather than later. Gather no moss. Time
Marches on. Start Now.The winds of grace always blow for us but we have to raise our sails and just go. Read More Here
Proust decided he’d done enough living by age 30 and decided to spend the rest of his life processing the life he’d lived in a book called Remembrance Of Things Past. I do not suffer from the "dis-ease" of more, but I still see myself traveling by cruise ship in the present perfect tense- as in: "I will have booked another world cruise by age 60."
The reason why I haven't written a book, is because I'm still processing it all! Looking forward to the day when I have more PAST than FUTURE, and my experience catches up to my imagination, as the quotidian, intimate and overlooked aspects of ordinary day become more extraordinary.
Everyone's life is either a warning or an example, but nothing is so irritating as a good example. Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the people. Hell is other people and you usually meet them on a cruise ship---I write my own rules for nautical success: continued enthusiasm despite failure after failure.
Despite the undoubted camaraderie, the laughs, the jollies and the sense of tribalism that attends any cruise contract or project, the profession remains a notoriously lonely one. FriendSHIPS are intense but brief; when the gig ends or the curtain comes down, you can soon find yourself back home staring at your cell phone and wondering if any of it really happened. Memories are short, time moves on, "fame" is transitory.Read More Here
Everyday Epiphanies
Further Up and Further In
“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in!" C.S. Lewis