Panama Canal-Caribbean Side

In The Zone

Dubai Or Not Dubai

Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, with the possible exception of my blog posts ,which obeys their own special laws. I am in the middle of nowhere and the center of everything with a strong internet connection from outer space.

ParrotISE is here in these tropical jungles, and we are headed to the Dubai of Central America-Panama City. This is  NOT the slow boat to China, but the fast one to The Pacific. We are making good time. 

Clearing the first set of locks now.

Triskaidekaphobia-Fear of the Number Thirteen.

 Hay It’s March 13th today!

I was born on Friday, the 13th. 13 is a not nice number that you can take home to Mamma  and introduce to your whole  family. It's a lucky day for me because I am finally cruising through the Panama Canal.