Waikiki -Banyan Tree Hugger

What is it about these root systems  that socks us in the figurative solar plexus. Only Mother nature can make a tree---probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.

Corporation Oahu  is still a goldmine for romantic twovelists and sentimental videographers, bar-room bloggers and semi-literate tourists, sociologists and U of H Ph.D. students,  sailing evangelists, NGO experts.

At ABC (Aloha Bring Cash), the merchants of Paradise-Sovenir kitsch, are the memes (thought viruses) for sale- from the hilariously romantic posters through the pseudo-scholarly to the infuriatingly racist postcards; from the noble savage literary school through Margaret Mead and all her comings of age, Somerset Maugham's puritan missionaries/drunks/and saintly whores and James Michener's rascals and golden people, to the stereotyped childlike pagan who needs to be steered to the Light....and it all starts with a tree...if I could only construct the remains of the day in such a fashion.