Seattle-Grunge Without A Helmet

Seahawks Suck.Go Rams
Come as you are
It's all sunshine and khaki dress down Wednesday in the rainy city.This little strip of land  really was the epicenter for the anti-hair bands of the 1980's era. I feel nostalgic about the road rules of dirty+beautiful =Grunge.Opting out, not caring about your clothes, the kind of car you drive.Guy-linered Curt Cobain said it best " I'd rather be h8d for who I am than loved for who I am not.After Monday and Tuesday, all that's left in Seattle is W T F, eh?

35th floor of Hotel  Sheraton
Treehugger-fruit-juiced-sandal wearing veganish Santa Monica Promenade's  Farmer's Market is the Mini Me of Pike's Place  Market - Pikes The gentrified Dr Evil of fresh produce and fishmongers throwing around King Salmon and Crab are whirling dervishes who leave you as confused as a bunch of blind lesbians.

Blueberry Fields Forever at Hotel @nyware
No, let's take that back, You've got the sun, the moon and The Rolling Stones-Pikes Place Market is the Keith Richards of Farmer's Markets- It's over fifty years old and still going strong  despite the usual wear and tear and years of decadence.